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How to Coach Baseball
& Avoid the Pitfalls
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baseball coaching tips

Training is often lacking showing us how to coach baseball. 

Often we hand the overwhelmed coach a bag of equipment and a box of baseballs and tell them to go get them. Then we wonder why the players end up miserable and the parents are snipping at everyone.

No one expects coaches in the lower levels of baseball to be overly knowledgeable or experts of the game.

We do require that coaches do no harm to players, be positive in their approach, communicate effectively with parents and respect the game.

Here are a few more quick tips to think about as you ponder your coaching approach on how to coach baseball.

Baseball Coaching Sample
Checklist #51-60
How to Coach Baseball

Good coaches know how to coach baseball...

Here is my partial continuation baseball coaching checklist from the 100 point entire list.

51. Knows where to draw the line communicating with baseball players. 

52. Can model appropriate language. 

53. Knows exactly when and where to communicate with baseball parents.  

54. Knows excessive arguing with umpires is not appropriate. Understands best solutions for working with the umps.

The players and the parents are going to mimic the actions and attitude of the coaches. How your players and baseball parents act is often a direct reaction to what the coach has modeled in their own behavior.

55. Is aware of less skilled players and know how to involve them in 
the team.

The better players are fairly easy to work with. Often the best kids have more success and the game may come easier to them.

The below average and less talented baseball players have more difficulty reaching success in baseball. The lower skilled ball players will need added attention and coaching in order to experience enjoyment in baseball.

This is where you earn your keep--helping the lower third of the team enough to keep them in the game of baseball.

To access the entire list of vital tips on coaching baseball you can look here.

Other topics you will find on this section on the list:

  • Where does winning and losing fit in?
  • Teaching throwing and catching.
  • How much Talk? Lecture? Demonstrate?
  • How to avoid standing around?
  • Are you a Nag?
  • When to address parents?

Sample of #61-70: Can You Build a Baseball Practice Plan?
Why Waste Everyones Time?

Knows how to coach baseball...

The complete list will help you address these topics. Complete list #1-100 Youth Baseball Coaching Checklist

61. Build a powerful coaching approach. 

62. Knows when to coach and when not to. 

63. Exposes players to multiple areas of the game. Knows where to play lefties.

64. Is able to take measures to keep players safe.

65. Can organize a complete skill-filled practice in a 90 minute practice plan.

Putting on a good player development baseball practice is extemely important. Why waste the players and parents time by spending an hour and half at a poorly planned baseball practice.

66. Knows how to Help players throw better. 

67. Plays ‘Fast-Catch’ every day the team warms up.

68. Knows how to teach players what to do when approaching the bases and changing directions.

69. Can use Dave's practice template tools to implent action packed, fun baseball practice that the players can't wait to attend.  

70. Know the importance of a simulated scrimmage and is able to plan for it.

To look up and get the complete checklist go to the resources page.

Sample #71-80: An Endless Supply of Pitchers
What is Your Biggest Responsibility?

How to coach baseball...

Here are the sample topics covered on #71-80 in the how to coach baseball checklist.

71. Knows what the best pitch in baseball is and how to teach it.

72. Know what to say and not to say to get the pitcher back on track.

73. Is aware of the 'equalizer' pitch and knows how to teach it. 

74. Knows one of their biggest responsibilities to the team and is able  to develop a deep pitching staff. 

75. Knows the 5 risk factors to avoid pitching arm injuries.

76. Can eliminate one the worst elements about transitioning back to defense.

77. Know how to utilize drills with competition during practice. 

78. Makes sure the firstbaseman does this between every inning.  

79. Knows how to build a practice without a baseball field. 

80. Is able to teach players a historically awesome pre-game warm-up drill.  

For the complete checklist all you do is click here to the resource page.

#81-90: Pro Approach to Swinging the Bat!
HINT: Or you will soon be out of the game.

81. Understands the difficulty of playing baseball. 

82. Understands how to coach hitters during ballgames. 

83. Knows the professional baseball approach to developing hitters adn how to communicate this approach.

84. Knows how to enjoy and show enthusiasm in baseball. 

85. Gets it! About how important hitting the ball squarely is to a players enjoyment and longevity in baseball. 

86. Knows that youth baseball coaches have the power and influence to ruin hitters by teaching hitting the wrong way.

87. Is able to put on signs at the appropriate time using a simple system. Is able to minimize the team missing signs.

88. Shows pitchers not to concern themselves with things they cannot control. 

89. Is able to eliminate not knowing how many outs by using this reminder system. 

90. Knows what to say to motivate players to run them out.

Entire 100 point checklist is available along with the 459 Essential Baseball Tips Checklist. 

#91-100: Never Show Up
Your Players on the Field

Here is a sample of what topics are covered on the list...

91. Realizes the vital role of the umpires. 

92. Knows the 'cardinal rule' about showing up your players. 

93. Can develop, develop, and develop—Understands the role of player development on baseballs youth. 

94. Recognizes when hitters are late on the fastball.  

95. Can instill and show players how to have a quick transition on and off the field. 

97. Studies the pros. They are not always right, but baseball is their business. They deal with the best players in the world and have perfected the art of playing the game. You never did see Chipper Jones ‘holding’ the runner on 3B before the pitch so why do we do it?

98. Knows the difference in positive and negative coaching styles. 

99. Knows it is not necessary to be a baseball expert in the lower levels of youth baseball, but there are some absolute expectations you need to be on top of.

100. Realizes the coaches do not have all the answers because they have had very little training if any in youth baseball coaching.

No one expects youth baseball coaches to be experts in all facets of baseball. You are expected to treat the kids, the game, parents and officials with respect and professionalism.

Remember—they are just kids—not pros. Thanks for your service in baseball! & reviewing tips on how to coach baseball!

To enjoy the entire list here and be the best player development baseball coach you can be!

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100 Point Checklist for Coaching Youth Baseball #1-50

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Yes Dave, I Want to Help My Players Enjoy the GAME

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Youth baseball carers are short-lived so lets make it count for our players. What do players really want out of playing baseball?

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How to
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Downloadable eBooks

Check out these vitally important eBooks to include in your coaching library.

"Time to Shine: My Baseball Coaches Practice System 7 Year Plan to Help Kids Reach HS Baseball

"Build Your Ultimate Culture of Hitting"

Take a look at all the coaching products that will make your coaching experience top of the line and help bring your player's enjoyment level much higher.

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